ESL Carousel Dots

ESLCarouselNavDots is an auxiliary custom tag for ESLCarousel that provides dot navigation control for the carousel.

ESLCarouselNavDots relays on slide groups, so one dot is created for each slide group. Slide group is a set of slides that are displayed together in the carousel (you can control it by count attribute of carousel).

Please note, the plugin does not render if the carousel not found or expected amount of dots is less than 2.

The esl-carousel-dots element does not allow any children except esl-carousel-dot elements, so you can use CSS :empty selector to style as inactive state indicator.

For example, you might want to perceive space that dots nav take, so you can use the following CSS to do that:

    .esl-carousel-dots:empty {
      display: block; /* Override default display: none */
      visibility: hidden; /* Hide empty dots nav */
      height: 1em; /* Set height to keep space */


In order to use the ESLCarouselNavDots plugin, you need to register it first:


Then you can use the esl-carousel-dots element in your markup:

<esl-carousel count="1">
    <ul esl-carousel-slides>
        <li esl-carousel-slide>Slide 1</li>
        <li esl-carousel-slide>Slide 2</li>
        <li esl-carousel-slide>Slide 3</li>
        <li esl-carousel-slide>Slide 4</li>
<esl-carousel-dots target="::prev"></esl-carousel-dots>

Dots Plugin API


Static API

Instance API

Dot Builder & Updater

ESLCarouselNavDots uses dotBuilder and dotUpdater functions to create and update dots. Both functions are can be changed globally for all instances of ESLCarouselNavDots or for a specific instance. However, the ESLCarouselNavDots provides qute flexible default implementation, so you may not need to change it.

The dotBuilder function is called for each dot to create a new dot element. But note that the dot element is not added to the DOM and does not know it's state at this stage.

NOTE: ESLCarouselNavDots attaches esl-carousel-dot attribute to the dot elements automatically. Do not remove it, it is required for proper plugin work.

The builder signature is (index: number, $plugin: ESLCarouselNavDots) => HTMLElement.

The dotUpdater function is called for each dot to update it's state based on the current carousel state. In the updater function you can set it as active, disabled, etc.

The updater signature is (dot: HTMLElement, index: number, $plugin: ESLCarouselNavDots) => void. Note: to define if the dot is active, you can use index === $plugin.activeIndex expression. Access to activeIndex and count does not cost additional performance as they are cached during the dots update.

Default Dot Builder

The default dot builder is stored under ESLCarouselNavDots.defaultDotBuilder. It creates a button element as a dot item with the following attributes:

Focus Management

If non-negative tabindex is set for the esl-carousel-dots element, inner dots will have tabindex="-1" to prevent focus on them. So the dots control acts as a single focusable element. If tabindex is unset or negative, the dot will have tabindex="0" so each dot can be focused separately.

Default Dot Updater

The default dot updater is stored under ESLCarouselNavDots.defaultDotUpdater. It updates the dot element based on the current carousel state with the following logic:

Customizing Use Cases

Dots with custom content

If you need to customize the dot content, you can define a custom dot builder function. The following example shows how to create a dot with a dot index as content:

ESLCarouselNavDots.dotBuilder = (index, count, $plugin) => {
  const dot = ESLCarouselNavDots.defaultDotBuilder(index, count, $plugin);
  dot.textContent = `${index + 1}`;
  return dot;

Dots with static custom attributes (e.g. analytics)

If you need to add static custom attributes to the dot, you can define a custom dot builder function as well. The following example shows how to add a custom data-analytics attribute to the dot:

ESLCarouselNavDots.dotBuilder = (index, count, $plugin) => {
  const dot = ESLCarouselNavDots.defaultDotBuilder(index, count, $plugin);
  dot.setAttribute('data-analytics', `carousel-dot-${index}`);
  return dot;

Dots with dynamic custom attributes (e.g. activeness title)

To change dynamic behavior of the dot, you should consider defining a custom dot updater function.

The following example shows how to change the dot label if the dot is active:

ESLCarouselNavDots.dotUpdater = (dot, index, $plugin) => {
  ESLCarouselNavDots.defaultDotUpdater(dot, index, $plugin);
  dot.textContent = active ? `Active slide ${index + 1}` : `Slide ${index + 1}`;