ESL Mixin Element

ESLMixinElement provides the core for creating custom attribute elements (mixins) and TS (TypeScript) decorators to simplify component creation.

ESLMixinElement - base class to create a mixin that attaches to the DOM element via a custom attribute

Mixin Element static API

ESLMixinElement base class static API

Base Element API



Element decorators

Use the @prop decorator to override a property created via @attr, @boolAttr, or @jsonAttr at the parent level with non-attribute accessor value.

Mixin Element Example

import {ESLMixinElement, attr, boolAttr, jsonAttr, listen} from '@exadel/esl';

class MyMixinComponent extends ESLMixinElement {
  static override is = 'my-mixin-attr';
  static override obserevedAttriutes = [
    /* attribute to observe additionally to mixin attribute */

  /** Reflects 'my-string-prop' attribute */
  @attr() public myStringProp: string;
  /** Reflects to 'my-marker' attribute-marker */
  @boolAttr() public myMarker: boolean;
  /** Reflects to JSON value in 'my-config' attribute */
  @jsonAttr() public myConfig: Recorg<string, string>;

  connectedCallback() {
    // Init my component
  attributeChangedCallback(attributeName: string, oldValue: string, newValue: string) {
    // Called on attribute value change

  disconnectedCallback() {
    // Unsubscribe listeners, revert side effects

  onClick(e: MouseEvent) { /* Handle btn click event */ }

// Register mixin element for attribute provided in the static `is` property